Saturday, August 30, 2008

While waiting for my dining table set to be delivered:

Fridge is up! Well and working!

Dining table arrives!!! Trying to take a full view shot of the living & dining in 1 photo.
Evening shot:

Day shot:
Started playing WII on the Sony Bravia already=)
Free custom made coffee table from ID.. Was really a pleasant surprise. Luckily we haven bgt our own coffee table yet. Yay.

Peek into my not so ready yet MBR...
Pardon the mattress lying on the ground.
Haha, Bcos we dont have plans to purchase our bed yet until nearer to our wedding date, which is next year May. So in meantime while waiting for arrangements to move the current queen bed from his place to the new house, we just make do with the floor matteress. =)
Here is a pict of my mini WIW door.. I like it quite alot..

And my MBR tv is up on the feature wall.. Great! Can watch DVDs before drifting to zzzzz.

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