Saturday, August 2, 2008

Most carpentary up!

It was a very "nervous" & exciting week for us when we were told that carpentaries will be up.

We were anticipating the effects of the completed works and so hoping that it will turn out to be exactly what we desired.

Let me just fast forward a few weeks to show the completed works.
I will upload more pictures after my furnitures come in slowly.

Main gate installed with main door laminated, attached with long bar handles.But opps, there is a missing number from the unit#. Haha, workers will paste it up shortly.

Peek into my home when the main door is slightly ajarred. Can see part of the kitchen..

Full view of the kitchen. Black glossy laminated cabinets with red glass backing & white solid top.

Here's my 180 degree rotatable TV feature wall. See the 2 rolls of tinted mirrors used for the feature wall.
Closer up view of the tv feature wall.

Night view from another angle.

Bedroom with white walls at first.

Bedroom doors are all laminated with long bar handles.

White casement wardrobe with black glass sliding doors.

Now, a new addition, its midnight grey walls with white shelves =)

Everything's almost completed in this room. Platform also up.Now waiting for window blinds & furniture to come in!

Another bedroom. Black casement with white frosted sliding doors.

TV feature wall in bedroom. Dave was very nice. No extra charges because we added something extra to the feature wall. Haha.

MBR's tv feature wall. No protuding shelves for DVD player because Dave cleverly designed the players to be built-in by my bedside table drawers.

MBR's mini WIW. It will be closed with a frosted swing door.

Lastly, to show you guys, my champage Hager switches. So many!

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