Monday, September 15, 2008

Moved In =)

Finally, unpacking was done over a mere 4-5 days...

Welcome to my new home...=)

I am so happy that we have done up our house together, right from scratch..
This renovation process has made me feel more certain that I hv indeed chosen the right 'Mr right' to spend my life with becos he has proven that he is able to take care of many things that I had missed..

Now, we have another new hobby, thats searching for soft furnishings..Hah..seems like a neverending shopping list..

Enough of it.. Here are the photos:

Trying to show my black rollar blinds but i guess the sunlight was too glaring..
Made floral blinds for the sliding glass doors too..

My entertainment room.. For him to play PS & watch DVDs..
Can see my black blinds now?
WIW plus a glimpse of MBR..

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