Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy CNY 2009!!

Happy Chinese New Year to all !! I love festive seasons..
CNY flowers!

All things in RED! the auspicious colour!
Side-tracked. Found this photo.. See our new 'band' formed. The singer is hiding in a corner.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year!!!

Dear all,
Look! Lo & behold..

Our very first Xmas tree sitting in our new home.
"Santa claus is coming to town.." = )

Our xmas tree is standing at 1.8M tall & its the optic-fibre kind! So no need to buy extra cumbersome lightings.
The lights are blue & xmas tree deco. are white & crystal in colours!

On a random note, I bought a new door mat bought at Ikea.
This mat felt surprising heavy when I lugged it back all the way from the carpark...
But I was attracted to it because of the cute-looking couple figurine on it.

Just wanna wish everyone out there a Happy, healthy & prosperous new year ahead =)